Wednesday, 11 November 2015

online assignments




                                                                                                                 SUBMITTED BY
                                                                                                                   SARANYA . A.



SLNO                                TOPIC                         PG NO

1.                                INTRODUCTION                    2

2.                                       SCIENCE CLUB                          3-4

3.                                       OBJECTIVES                                 5

4.                                     CONCLUSION                                   6

5.                                        REFERENCE                                    6


A science club is an out-of-school-hours club that offers children the chance to do science-related activities that extend and enhance the science they experience in the classroom.
Each science club is different, as the club programme reflects the interests of the children, the club organiser and the facilities available. Most clubs use the opportunity to explore areas of science not covered by the curriculum and to give the club members plenty of opportunities to do practical science.
A science club can be run in a lunch break or after school. Some organisations are able to offer special Saturday clubs.
A science club session typically lasts for about 45 minutes. In this time, the members might complete a challenge, plan a science project or have a special scientific visitor.



Science clubs are a means of getting outside the classroom and interacting with the natural environment. These interactions can be beneficial for the community and the students. Science clubs which are based on a combination of experimentation and philanthropy make learning a real life experience that leaves positive impressions on both students and their communities.

In view of their nature and purposes served, the science clubs can be classified as General club and Special club. The scope an field of General clubs in science is quite general and broad. These are not specifically tied to a single purpose, branch or area of science.
These are meant for meeting the requirements of the maximum number of students of varying scientific interests and aptitudes. Such types of clubs are usually named as Science Club, Science Association, Biological Association, Physics or Chemistry Society, etc.
On the other hand, the special clubs of science are quite specific and special in the sense that they are meant for serving some specific purpose and specialized interests of their members. These clubs are usually named as photographic club, Radio club, Nature study club, Astronomical society, Wildlife society, Aviation club, etc.
The decision to establish a particular type of club should be taken very cautiously by taking care of the special or general requirements of the institution and the students, resources available and competencies necessary for running the club. As a general consideration however, in the case of secondary institutions.
It is better to go for the establishment of a General type club as it may serve more useful purpose in terms of coming the study of science more attractive, interesting and useful from the viewpoints of maximum number of students and classes of the school and moreover it can suit well the resources and environment available in our schools.


1. To provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in vigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
2. To provide opportunities for bringing school close to the society and to acquaint the people with the services and contribution of the science in their life.
3. To develop among the student the spirit and attitude of healthy competition for the individual and social cause.
4. To help the students in imbibing the habit of self- reliance, self-dependence and love for manual work.
5. To provide opportunity for the development of the constructive, explorative and inventive faculties of the students.
6. To make the students understand the values of time and to help them in the proper utilization to their leisure hours.
7. To create interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields and to get acquainted with the life history and contributions of great scientists.
8. To develop students, interest and participation in the practical application of the knowledge related to different branches of sciences.
9. To create interest in scientific facts and events related to one's surroundings.
10. To develop training in scientific method of problem solving.


        From this assignment we can conclude that we can get an idea about science club and its objectives. Also get the brief about science club activities among schools and students are how interested in this club. About the role of teacher among these club and its activities.



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